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Anonymous 1 month, 3 weeks ago 3 Replies
>tfw you'll never go on a magical adventure with a bunch of wizbros in a magical fantasy land and destroy the great evil in that world
>tfw you'll never reluctantly band together because each wizbro has learned a special school of magic needed to defeat this evil

Anonymous 1 month, 3 weeks ago
I don't want to meet any wizbros. It would be an awful experience. But i do want to go on an adventure and defeat all the normie warlocks in the world.

Anonymous 1 month, 3 weeks ago
I would probably hate you guys IRL

Anonymous 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Why warlocks are bad? I think warlocks in games are pretty cool. Shouldn't we call them something that doesn't require studying or something that doesn't use mana to cast? Like paladins(white knights) or in some games sorcerers are just born that way and use willpower to cast.

Top tier mages: wizard, warlock, necromancer, [element]mancer.