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Anonymous 1 month ago 3 Replies
Sorry guys but Tim Kretschmer was way more badass then the supreme gentleman , he was german(nazi) , he was dressed up as a badass when he killed normies and he killed more normalfags then Elliot did. 11 of the 15 dead were succubi, Germans are and will always be superior. Tim Kretschmer the slayer of succubi. RIP warrior

Anonymous 1 month ago
He fought the normalfag society and gunned down 15 normalfags. This guy is a fucking hero

Anonymous 1 month ago
>He fought the normalfag society and gunned down 15 normalfags. This guy is a fucking hero

Eh Cho was much better

Anonymous 1 month ago
But tim kretschmer didn't leave behind a manifesto or a youtube account.