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Anonymous 1 month ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
>tfw the fox & the grapes analogy as a coping mechanism
I'm running out of things to live for ;_;

Anonymous 1 month ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
>tfw it's easier for a gay guy to find sex than for a straight male

I am pretty sure gay guys have no problem finding mates because men are less evil than women. They are more likely to want to fuck unlike women who want to torture men and make them sexually-deprived

Anonymous 1 month ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw wanna fuck
>tfw can't find anyone to fuck
>tfw proudly hate anyone i can't fuck
>tfw can hardly control urges to kill anyone who have more sex then me
>tfw more rational and reasonable than all those dickhead normies around

Anonymous 1 month ago 0 Replies Quick Reply

in middle school, i remember my only friend would treat me like shit in front of popular kids. I stopped talking to him at one point, and refused to accept his apology when he tried to apologize to me. I couldn't forgive the little cunt because I knew apology wasn't genuine. He only wanted me to be friends with him when the popular kids weren't around

Anonymous 1 month ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
tfw no good porn to fapurbate to

Anonymous 1 month ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
>tfw you call your mom up begging her for tobacco money cause you are broke and withdrawl is making you go crazy and keeping you from sleeping and eating and making you agitated as fuck
>tfw you feel like shit because she can barely afford it herself

I should just fucking kill myself

Anonymous 1 month ago 4 Replies Quick Reply
We need more Ulillillias and fewer Elliot Rodgers on Wizardchan

Anonymous 1 month ago 5 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw asexual people are full of shit
>tfw asexuality(in humans) doesn't exist

I was watching this asexuality documentary and all these asexual faggots supposedly have platonic relationships with people. How do you decide what gender to be in a relationship with if you are asexual? i don't get it.

Anonymous 1 month ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw no music library so look up songs on Jewtube
>they're all absolute shit tier quality

Anonymous 1 month ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw the only shit that makes you laugh is obscure chan humour

Anonymous 1 month ago 3 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw stutter
>tfw speaking bad grammar
>tfw forgot how to speak

my aunt came over with her neighbor to see if i could fix her neighbor's laptop. I could hardly string a coherent sentence together. her neighbor must have thought i was on something.

I probably should have seen looked to see if she had any nude pics of her daughter on her computer. Her daughter is cute

Anonymous 1 month ago 3 Replies Quick Reply

At least we aren't like this guy. what a freak!

Anonymous 1 month ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
sug my cog

Anonymous 1 month ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
Fuck the DNS problems. I can't even load wizardchan and if it does it's slow as fuck despite speedtest still says i'm at full speed. Fuck this fucking shit.

Anonymous 1 month ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
>he's a moderator
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously