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Anonymous 4 months, 1 week ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw nobody gives a feel about you

Anonymous 4 months, 1 week ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw you've wanted to FUCK every single female friend you've ever had

Anonymous 4 months, 1 week ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
tfw mods deleted my russian spam feel

Anonymous 4 months, 1 week ago 0 Replies Quick Reply

Anonymous 4 months, 1 week ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw small pene

Anonymous 4 months, 1 week ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
>tfw spent 10 hours killing flesh crawlers today

Anonymous 4 months, 1 week ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
anyone have a relaxing music playlist on youtube? I'd really appreciate it

Anonymous 4 months, 1 week ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
>tfw spend the last 2 hours in my paracosm
>now going to play vidya and sleep
>succesfully avoided the real world for another day

Anonymous 4 months, 1 week ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
>tfw even if you had a gf she would be unfaithful to you while ovulating

Anonymous 4 months, 1 week ago 2 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw you have a higher IQ than literally 99.9% of the population but cannot even manage to get gf

Anonymous 4 months, 1 week ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
>tfw you could do something but don't

Anonymous 4 months, 1 week ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
>tfw thousands of bookmarks to look through for that one cool thing you just remembered

Anonymous 4 months, 1 week ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
I miss all those times...

Anonymous 4 months, 1 week ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
>go out for food
>fast food, dining, doesn't matter
>have to shit 5 minutes later

Every time

Anonymous 4 months, 1 week ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
>Your request triggered our spam filter. Please go back to the original page, hard-refresh (Ctrl-Shift-R) and try again.
>tfw I will never be able to post