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Anonymous 2 months ago 3 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw wizardchan keeps going offline for you
Anyone else experiencing problems?

Anonymous 2 months ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
Loli is love, loli is life.

Anonymous 2 months ago 10 Replies Quick Reply
LITERALLY how normies behave

Anonymous 2 months ago 2 Replies Quick Reply
tfw either japan or not japan but not both

Anonymous 2 months ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
>tfw chadmin is hypocritical and allows little boys getting fucked
I bet chadmin is part of LGBT since he obviously can't stop loving little boys.

Anonymous 2 months ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
>tfw Japan

Anonymous 2 months ago 3 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw I've finally found a waifu
>tfw I finally understand those who have waifus

I...I get it now. This is a good feel.

Anonymous 2 months ago 2 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw unjustly permabanned
>static IP so I can't evade
>appeal has not yet been evaluated

the moderation of Wizchan has not passed the exam

Anonymous 2 months ago 3 Replies Quick Reply
tfw hypochondria

Anonymous 2 months ago 6 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw I don't even know what I want, I just want to watch anime and play vidya while having a job that helps with my hobby
>tfw girls won't leave me alone because I somehow look attractive to them

Anonymous 2 months ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
>sharon was evil after all

I really believed what she was saying, and genuinely wanted her to gain ownership of LMQ. Women are very manipulative as it turns out :D

Will be interesting to see how this unfolds

Anonymous 2 months ago 4 Replies Quick Reply
I'll carve the first response into my leg when I cut myself later this week.

Anonymous 2 months ago 2 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw everyone thinks I'm crazy because they can't see how dangerous the jews really are

Anonymous 2 months ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
would you rather luck or will

Anonymous 2 months ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
The meek shall inherit the earth.

The normalfags will burn in Hell.