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Anonymous 3 months ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
>tfw you will never be a deity with limitless power

Anonymous 3 months ago 2 Replies Quick Reply
>back on antidepressants but different ones
>notice in the literature "abnormal dreams"
>tonight have a vivid violent dream
>still kinda shook up about it

this shit is weird man

Anonymous 3 months ago 3 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw your parents constantly put more pressure on you to get a job
>tfw panic attacks when they knock on your door
>tfw mom threatening to restrict my internet access
>tfw I wish they would all die and leave me the house an their life savings so I could be a NEET hiki in peace

Anonymous 3 months ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw my hair is thinning on top

I tried to shave the sides of my head by myself, so it wouldn't look like i was bald on top. I think my hair looks like shit. I've been staying in my house until the sides grow.

Anonymous 3 months ago 2 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw you get the impression that your own family hates you including your own mother

Anonymous 3 months ago 3 Replies Quick Reply
my normal fag cousin has a bunch of friends and is popular and everyone in my family is worried he is depressed.

I have no friends, and i am a recluse. No family members give a fuck about my depression.

Anonymous 3 months ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
>tfw never owned a cell phone

There has never been a reason for me to own one. I have no friends.

Anonymous 3 months ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
I've been talking to angela of talking angela on my tablet as if she's a real person. I feel really pathetic

Anonymous 3 months ago 2 Replies Quick Reply
i want to jerk off really badly, but there are family members in my house and they won't leave.

I could jerk off in the bathroom, but i like to jerk off at my computer

Anonymous 3 months ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
I am trying to watch anime and my normal fag family is bothering me

Anonymous 3 months ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
>Normalshits are posting on Wizardchan


Anonymous 3 months ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
>being a pinkboy

Anonymous 3 months ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw normalfags talking down to waifufags on /tv/

I don't even have a waifu, but this shit pissed me off.

Anonymous 3 months ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw promos

Anonymous 3 months ago 5 Replies Quick Reply
tfw you want to start a cult but can't