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Anonymous 2 months ago 4 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw /r9k/ is getting killed
>tfw influx of normies in wizchan

Anonymous 2 months ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
>tfw you hope ebola comes to the US

Anonymous 2 months ago 4 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw enjoy nigger music

Anonymous 2 months ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
>have big dick
>go to party erryday
>cum inside some slut at least half the time
>might have some kids running around that belong to me
>have a gf while doing this
>she doesn't know
>sorry this whole post was a lie don't get mad

Anonymous 2 months ago 5 Replies Quick Reply
Some day I will go and kill everyone I see on that day. And I won't kill myself. I am going to enjoy it until I die.

Anonymous 2 months ago 4 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw ponyfags and r9k post here
feels like we can never be safe from normies

Anonymous 2 months ago 17 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw Japan

Anonymous 2 months ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
>r9normies would feel right at home.
i see, thanks
>its the best part of wiz
seems like that so far

Anonymous 2 months ago 2 Replies Quick Reply
wtf is this board even for?
is this like /r9k/? can we reuse things?

Anonymous 2 months ago 2 Replies Quick Reply
tfw> I really, really miss Bane. It wasn't so bad guys.

Anonymous 2 months ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
/r9k/ faggots get out
No one wants you here, no one likes you
You are like the jews, despised by everyone

Anonymous 2 months ago 2 Replies Quick Reply
Everytime you drink an RC Cola, an /r9k/ normie dies

Anonymous 2 months ago 2 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw didn't get into Medical School

Anonymous 2 months ago 1 Reply Quick Reply
God save the Queen
A fascist regime
They made you a moron
Potential H-bomb

God save the Queen
She ain't no human being
There is no future
In England's dreaming

Anonymous 2 months ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
I want nofap shills to leave.