
Feels will be shutdown in 1 day.

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Tell us how you feel. (Greentext is supported.)
Anonymous 1 month ago 3 Replies Quick Reply
1. Sour cream and onion
2. Dill pickle
3. Original
4. Cheddar Cheese

9000. Barbeque

Anonymous 1 month ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
Fapping is glorious.

Anonymous 1 month ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
You're making me nervous

Anonymous 1 month ago 3 Replies Quick Reply
that awkward moment when now is not the time for fear that comes later

Anonymous 1 month ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw I'm drunk @ NOON
>I don't give a fuck

Anonymous 1 month ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
>normies wanting to be wizards on wizardchan because its now in
>try to reform the definition of wizard
>try to reform the definition of sex
If you are raped, mouth or ass, you can't be wizard. The mana container is broken. Only way to be a wizard is to be 30 years old and virgin.
Stop the normalfags from spreading lies.

Anonymous 1 month ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
I want to become a terrorist or serial killer to avenge the normalfag world and kill as many fucking normies as possible

Anonymous 1 month ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
The mods do not know the rules

Anonymous 1 month ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
tfw no waifu will ever leave the screen and save you from this scary ass world

Anonymous 1 month ago 0 Replies Quick Reply
I really want to kill one person, just to see what it feels like.

Anonymous 1 month ago 2 Replies Quick Reply
feelio when graphics card is dying
feelio when I don't know what I'll do once it finally stops working

Anonymous 1 month ago 2 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw I have made it my goal in life to purge the internet of normies
>tfw I have no idea how to do this

Anonymous 1 month ago 6 Replies Quick Reply
tfw having nightmares everyday

Anonymous 1 month ago 2 Replies Quick Reply
>tfw remembering the past

Anonymous 1 month ago 2 Replies Quick Reply
I wake up.
Open the fridge, grab an RC Cola.
It's gonna be a good day.